Top 8 Space Manufacturing startups

Updated: April 05, 2024 | Editor: Boris Maslennikov

Space manufacturing startups are at the forefront of pioneering technologies that enable the production of goods and materials (like drugs and semiconductors) in the unique environment of space. These innovative companies are exploring additive manufacturing (3D printing), bioprinting, and other advanced techniques to create products ranging from spare parts and tools to advanced materials with properties unattainable on Earth.
Country: USA | Funding: $141M
Varda is a space manufacturing startup that focuses on creating products and drugs in space for terrestrial applications.
Country: USA | Funding: $100M
Redwire focuses on space commercialization, digitally engineered spacecraft, on-orbit service, assembly, and manufacturing. Redwire is a key mission enabler with products relevant to almost every space mission, including: power generation, antennas, deployable solutions, star trackers, and camera systems.
Country: UK | Funding: $11.1M
Space Forge make super materials in space that cannot be made on earth.
Country: USA | Funding: $3.5M
CisLunar Industries is developing the technology to process metal in space. Its recycling technology takes recovered space debris and reprocesses it into standardized metal feedstock in the form of rod, wire filament, and other useful geometries, as well as propellant.
Country: USA | Funding: $2M
In Orbit Aerospace is building the infrastructure to support mass manufacturing in space.
Country: USA | Funding: $2M
Orbital Composites specializes in the fields of 3D printing, Composites, robotics automation, and carbon fiber.
Country: USA | Funding: $200K
Astroport is developing patent-pending regolith solidification technologies for lunar infrastructure construction using 3D printing and autonomous robotics, with an initial focus on lunar landing pad emplacements.
Country: USA
gravityLab provides programmable gravity for research and manufacturing in space.
Editor: Boris Maslennikov
Boris Maslennikov is a senior editor for Space-Startups. He has spent more than a decade covering the global space industry as a business journalist. He earned a Ph.D. in planetary sciences from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a bachelor’s degree with honors in geophysics and planetary science from the California Institute of Technology. In his free time, Boris enjoys studying history and mathematics, with a particular interest in the history of mathematics. You can contact Boris at borismaslenikov(at)space-startups(dot)com