Top 5 Space Material startups

Updated: February 03, 2024 | Editor: Boris Maslennikov

These startups are pioneering the development of durable but lightweight materials specifically tailored for the extreme conditions of space.
Country: UK | Funding: £11.6M
OSS Is a space technology business that provides multi-award winning deployable antennas & structures made from proprietary materials.
Country: UK | Funding: $11.1M
Space Forge make super materials in space that cannot be made on earth.
Country: UK | Funding: $3M
Space DOTS tests materials for space, in space.
Country: USA | Funding: $2M
Orbital Composites specializes in the fields of 3D printing, Composites, robotics automation, and carbon fiber.
Country: India
Building an Orbital Infrastructure accessible for everyone. Students, Researchers & Enterprises. Its powered by CubeSat(s) built indegenously by TakeMe2Space in India.
Editor: Boris Maslennikov
Boris Maslennikov is a senior editor for Space-Startups. He has spent more than a decade covering the global space industry as a business journalist. He earned a Ph.D. in planetary sciences from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a bachelor’s degree with honors in geophysics and planetary science from the California Institute of Technology. In his free time, Boris enjoys studying history and mathematics, with a particular interest in the history of mathematics. You can contact Boris at borismaslenikov(at)space-startups(dot)com