Top 6 Reusable Rocket startups

Updated: April 15, 2024 | Editor: Boris Maslennikov

These innovative companies, driven by the vision of reducing the exorbitant costs associated with space travel, have pioneered groundbreaking technologies that enable rockets to be recovered, refurbished, and relaunched multiple times.
Country: USA | Funding: $10B
SpaceX is an aviation and aerospace company that operates a network of sattelites and designs, manufactures and launches advanced rockets and spacecraft.
Country: USA | Funding: $1.3B
Relativity Space is an aerospace company that designs, develops, and builds 3D printed rockets.
Country: USA | Funding: $712.4M
Rocket Lab delivers a range of complete rocket systems and technologies for fast and low-cost payload deployment.
Country: USA | Funding: $176.2M
Stoke Space is a developer of reusable rockets that provide access to and from any orbit to the satellite industry.
Country: UK | Funding: $109.5M
Orbex is an innovative space startup developing small payload reusable rockets.
Country: India
EtherealX designs develops, and manufactures next-generation launch vehicles and spacecraft.
Editor: Boris Maslennikov
Boris Maslennikov is a senior editor for Space-Startups. He has spent more than a decade covering the global space industry as a business journalist. He earned a Ph.D. in planetary sciences from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a bachelor’s degree with honors in geophysics and planetary science from the California Institute of Technology. In his free time, Boris enjoys studying history and mathematics, with a particular interest in the history of mathematics. You can contact Boris at borismaslenikov(at)space-startups(dot)com